
Scholarships and Awards


From the list below, please select the appropriate academic year for scholarship opportunities.

Scholarship types and information

The University of Hartford awards academic merit scholarships called President’s and Regents’ Awards to qualified students based on SAT or ACT scores and class rank. Receipt of one of these scholarships means you also have qualified for the Honors Program.

The Hartt School and the Hartford Art School award talent scholarships that are based on artistic achievement, not on academic qualifications.

The Herbert P. Schoen Endowed Scholarship Fund

This is a full-tuition scholarship for a student’s final two years at the University of Hartford. Students must be matriculated in the College of Arts and Sciences, must have completed at least 30 credits at the University and have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Students also must be majoring in one of the following fields: sociology, politics, criminal justice, psychology, foreign languages, communication, history, or English. It is expected that the student's interests will be similar to those of Mr. Schoen—community and public service.

Application forms may be obtained from the Dean’s Office, College of Arts and Sciences. Application consists of biographical data, a brief essay by the student, a list of community and extracurricular activities, and two letters of recommendation. Please contact the Dean's Office on the application deadline (spring semester).

Morris K. Udall Scholarship

An award of $5,000 for a college sophomore or junior who shows outstanding commitment to improving or preserving the environment and has potential to make a significant future contribution in his or her chosen field. Student applicants who are Native American or natives of Alaska should demonstrate a commitment to health care or tribal public policy. For information visit Finalists must be nominated by the University. Deadline for application is early February (check website).

For more information, contact:

Dr. Katharine Owens, Department of Politics and Government


UNCF Merck Undergraduate Science Research Scholarship Award


Open to full-time African American students majoring in life or physical science. Students must have a minimum 3.3 GPA, be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and be committed to work as an intern for two summers at a Merck research facility.

The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship

The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship recognizes students who excel in mathematics, the natural sciences, and engineering and who demonstrate a commitment to pursue a career in these fields (students interested in medical school are eligible if they plan a research career and not a career as a practicing physician). The University is allowed to nominate four students for these competitive scholarships. Each scholarship provides an annual stipend up to $7,500.

To be eligible, a student must:

  • Be a full-time matriculated sophomore or junior pursuing a degree at an accredited institution of higher education during the academic year. Sophomore nominees can expect to receive a maximum of two years of support. Students in two-year colleges who plan to transfer to a baccalaureate program at another institution may be nominated. Junior nominees can expect to receive a maximum of one year of support.
  • Have a college grade-point average of at least "B" (or the equivalent) and be in the upper fourth of his or her class.
  • Be a United States citizen, a permanent resident, or, in the case of nominees from American Samoa or the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands, a United States national. Nominations from permanent residents must include a letter of the nominee's intent to obtain U.S. citizenship and a photocopy of the Permanent Resident Card (formerly known as the Alien Registration Card).

For more information, contact:

Professor Mary Gannotti, Department of Physical Therapy


Andrew W. Mellon Fellowships in Humanistic Studies (Visit Website):

This fellowship will pay for the first year of graduate study leading to a Ph.D. in a Humanities area. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and have high GPA and GRE scores. Applicants must submit a request to apply directly to the foundation through its website.

Truman Scholarship  (Visit Website):

Open to United States citizens who were in the top 25% of their junior class, this scholarship provides a $26,000 merit-based award to undergraduates who wish to attend graduate or professional school in preparation for careers in government or the non-profit sector. Candidates should have extensive records of public and community service and outstanding leadership potential and communication skills. Application deadline is in February. Candidates must be nominated by the institution’s faculty representative, Dr. Jilda Aliotta, Politics and Government, ext. 4218,

These scholarships are very prestigious and extremely competitive. They require a great deal of planning and hard work. Some of the scholarships have campus representatives that are here to help you through the process.

John G. Martin and Marion A. Bills Scholarships


The Martin and Bills Scholarships send one of the University of Hartford’s graduates to Oxford University, or one of the other top universities in the UK, for graduate study in a Master’s program. Here is a link to the top UK, Master’s programs: top UK, Master’s programs.

The application deadline is October 11, 2024 for all materials to be emailed to Ms. Angel McNiel ( You may include the faculty sponsor letters with your application or have the faculty send their letters directly to Dr. Shattuck. For more info, contact:

Dr. James C. Shattuck
Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies and Coordinator of the Martin and Marion A. Bills Scholarship Program.

Office: CC330
Campus Phone: 860.768.4407

Rhodes Scholarship


The Rhodes Scholarship is a national competition and therefore there is no guarantee that anyone from Hartford will receive one.  In fact, it is very competitive.  If you are considering applying, please let me know as soon as possible. Make an appointment to see the Director of University Honors as soon as you are considering making an application. The University must endorse all applicants to Rhodes so we will need to see your completed application prior to the Rhodes deadline which is October 2, 2024. If you have any interest in applying for a Rhodes Scholarship, please contact us soon as possible. To apply, contact:

Dr. Amy Schoenecker
Honors Program Director and Assistant Professor of Politics, Economics, and International Studies Department

Office: Hillyer 126C
Campus Phone: 860.768.4698

Fulbright Student Scholarship


The Fulbright Program, administered by the U.S. Department of State, funds graduate study abroad for graduating college seniors, young professionals, and artists.  The program, which operates in 140 countries worldwide, allows applicants to plan their own programs while abroad.  Proposed programs might include university coursework, independent library or field research, classes in music conservatories or art schools, special projects in the social or life sciences.  Applicants need to be aware of the particular requirements for participation in the countries in which they are interested.  The Fulbright website lists country specifications and describes the application process in detail. The Fulbright Scholarship deadline is October 9, 2024. As soon as you are considering applying, contact:

Nicole Kurker-Stewart
Director of International Studies

Office: Gengras 309
Campus Phone: 860.768.5101

George J. Mitchell Scholarship


The Mitchell Scholars Program is a national competitive fellowship sponsored by the U.S.-Ireland Alliance. The Mitchell Scholars Program, named to honor former United States Senator George Mitchell’s pivotal contribution to the Northern Ireland peace process, is designed to introduce and connect generations of future American leaders to the island of Ireland, while recognizing and fostering intellectual achievement, leadership, and a commitment to public service and community. Up to 12 Mitchell Scholars between the ages of 18 and 30 are chosen annually for one year of postgraduate study in any discipline offered by institutions of higher learning in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Applicants are judged on three criteria: academic excellence, leadership, and a sustained commitment to service and community. The Mitchell Scholars Program provides tuition, housing, a living expenses stipend, and an international travel stipend. The deadline is in early October (check website).

Marshall Scholarship


Scholarships for two years of graduate study in Britain. Applicants must be United States citizens and have completed a four-year degree from a U.S. institution with a GPA of at least 3.7. Scholarships cover university fees, cost of living, airfare, etc.


Use the list below to find out more information on each of the awards.

University Alumnus and Regent Dick Cardin has made available funds to support research conducted by Arts and Sciences Honors students in humanities fields. These funds can be used to help defray costs associated with thesis research or with doing independent honors research. For example, a student might requests funds to support travel to a research library or to purchase special supplies or equipment needed for research.

Honors students should be nominated by a faculty sponsor, and the normal expectation is that Cardin funds will support independent study during the academic year, although summer research under formal faculty supervision will also be eligible. Not-for-credit projects may also be submitted. The maximum grant for any individual student projects will be $1,250. There will be two opportunities each academic year to submit proposals. All fall deadlines are the third Friday in October and the spring deadlines are the third Friday in February.

Inquiries and proposals should be directed in electronic form to Dean Katherine Black, College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Hartford at Selection of successful proposals will be the responsibility of the Dean, in consultation with the Associate Deans.

Proposals should:

  • Be 1-2 pages in length
  • Describe the nature of the proposed activities
  • Include a summary budget and brief budget narrative


The Harrison Libraries and Honors Program invite applications for the Elizabeth Williams Cathles Award in support of student research.

Elizabeth (Betsy) Cathles volunteered in the University Library Archives for many years. She had a lifelong love of natural history and human cultures, a unique sense of the importance of travel, and a great appreciation for the adventure of learning. A fund has been established in her honor to support student research projects. 

Undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Hartford with an overall GPA of 3.25 or above are eligible for the Cathles Award. Ideally, the students will research topics in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Research projects that have a cross-cultural component are particularly valued.

Applicants must include a one- to two-page description of the proposed research project. Additionally, applicants must include a letter of support from a faculty sponsor.

Recipients of the award must submit a paper that synthesizes the research at the end of the 2024–2025 academic year. Additionally, students are expected to present at the Graduate or Undergraduate Colloquium in April 2025.

The application deadline is October 2024. 

The Research Award Eligibility

Undergraduate and graduate students with at least a 3.25 GPA at the University of Hartford are eligible for the Cathles Award. The desired areas of research are the humanities and the social sciences, with a preference given to cross-cultural or international research.



The Belle K. Ribicoff Prize

This prize is awarded annually to an exemplary graduating senior who has completed their junior year at the University of Hartford. Academic excellence is the primary criterion for this award. A cumulative grade point average at the University of Hartford of at least 3.7 is required. If the candidate is a transfer student, they must have a strong academic transcript from the institution or institutions previously attended. The prize will also recognize intellectual curiosity and originality of thought.

Agnes and Cornelious Barrett Award

This award is given annually to an exemplary graduating senior based on the following two criteria: academic excellence (based mainly on cumulative grade point average), and community service. Community service can be to the University of Hartford Community, the Greater Hartford Community, a town or organization.

Applying for the Ribicoff and Barrett Awards

In order to apply, please create a document that responds to the criteria for both the Ribicoff and Barrett awards described above and email to Ms. Angel McNiel. Please use the same materials to apply for both the Ribicoff Prize and the Barrett Award.

Applicants for the Ribicoff should include: (1) a cover letter (in which you describe your academic excellence as demonstrated by activities, awards, projects, and possibly a senior thesis); (2) a copy of your transcript (a student copy will do); and (3) a faculty letter of support.

Applicants for the Barrett award should include the documents listed above, in addition to: (1) a separate letter detailing your community service to the University, greater Hartford community, or other organizations; (2) a letter of support from a person who has supervised the community service in which you have been most active. This should include a statement about the quality and quantity of your contributions.

Applications are closed for 2024. Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year are due in February, 2025.

The William E. Simon Fellowship is designed to encourage students as they complete their undergraduate education to pursue lives that will benefit themselves and their fellow men and women–that is, lives of "noble purpose." The Fellowship is an unrestricted cash grant that will be awarded to those graduating college seniors who have demonstrated passion, dedication, a high capacity for self-direction, and originality in pursuit of a goal that will strengthen civil society.

Each year ISI will award three Fellowships for Noble Purpose. The top award will be for $40,000. Two additional fellows will be chosen each year to receive grants of $5,000 each. Over the coming five years, ISI will award $250,000 to graduating college seniors who are named Simon Fellows. Examples of how recipients may use their award include: engage directly in the civic life of their community; help to create opportunity for others, including job creation; advance their expertise; and/or fund the ultimate realization of their noble purpose.

In addition to their mature conception of and passion for what they hope to accomplish, nominees for the prize will be evaluated on the basis of their academic record and extracurricular activities. The deadline for applications is in early February. For more information and an application, visit Intercollegiate Studies Institute.